Robert Burney
Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer
Pioneer in Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing, Holistic Formula for Spiritual Integration & Emotional Balance, Telephone / Skype / Zoom Counseling, Codependent & Healthy Relationship Dynamics Expert, Spiritual Teacher
Audio + Subscriptions
Announcing for the first time the recording I made of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls is available as an app. Listening to this is Truly an Audio Spiritual Experience.

Special offers for the MP3 downloads of
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience"
A four hour slightly abridged version of the book spoken by the author.
This is an audio recording of the book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney. Spoken by the author and originally released as cassette tape set: Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience"
This MP3 download is a digitally remastered version of the original recording.
Normal Retail Price: $37.00
"I have devoured your website quite thoroughly in little over a year, that I've been on the strenuous but, oh, so rewarding path of recovery. The book that has had such an impact on me and had created such shivering resonance in my Soul. The audio version is absolutely a mind-blowing audio spiritual experience! You rock, man!! It's one thing to read the articles on the clinically electric computer screen and completely another level of involvement hearing the man himself utter his own words of wisdom and spiritual alchemy. One can tell that you aren't just mumbling through a book you've written; while listening it becomes certain that the message truly is your spiritual truth and not just some neatly packaged intellectual mind job disguising itself in spiritual language. An enormous THANK YOU for sharing your story and perspective for all the world to see, I truly appreciate it, man!"
MP3 download audio spoken by Author special offer $29.95
Four Hour MP3 download of A Day Long Intensive Training in Robert Burney's Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing
This MP3 download is a recording of my Intensive Training Day Workshop that we made in February 2011. It is a raw unedited live recording but the sound quality is very good and I am glad to have recorded version of it. There is also a downloadable 42 page PDF Companion Guide that is not a workbook - but it does contain assignments and suggestions, examples and descriptions, designed to help people to learn to apply my pioneering formula for spiritual integration and emotional balance into their lives.
Normal Retail Price: $77.00
"Robert Burney's training day was so inspirational and enlightening. He was loving and warm and presented profound life changing material in a very not intimidating way. Magical!"
"My life has been much better since I went to your seminar."
"Brilliant. Liberating. So profound it is sometimes ! hilarious I feel you completely get the dynamics of the human experience and the truth you teach can set people free."
The recording of Robert Burney's Spiritual Integration Workshop
MP3 download audio of Spiritual Integration Workshop normally special offer $59.95
Either one is an audio Spiritual Experience that can Empower you to Change your Life for the Better
The Dance "Audio Spiritual Experience" + Intensive Audio special offer $85.95

Audiobooks on Amazon, Audible, iTunes
A new audio version of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls
12/30/12 - Announcing that a new audio version of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and the Human Condition is now available on audible.com This is a literal audio book with another narrator - not the audio that I did myself which was slightly abridged. I think that the narrator did a good job - but of course it doesn’t have the passion and the points of emphasis of the one I did.
A new audio version of Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth
9/15/14 - Announcing a new audio version of Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth eBook 1: Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior is now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. This is the first 20 Chapters of the paperback book.
A new audio version of Inner Child Healing book
3/15/15 - Announcing that a new audio version of Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child is now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.
A new audio version of The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood
4/12/15 - Announcing a new audio version of The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted ~ A Larger Spiritual Paradigm is now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.
Links to a some places to see videos / or listen to audios of Robert for Free:
A YouTube Channel with 5 short videos taken from Robert's Workshop Recording - and a 48 minute interview from an Online Holistic Health Summit Event
The audio of an interview Robert did on Mental Health Radio in March 2019.
In February of 2019 Robert did an interview as part of an online event called Trust Yourself. You can watch the video: interiew here
New December 15, 2018 - and Free:
A link to a YouTube video of an hour and 19 minute interview that was livestreamed on December 8th, 2018. (And already had 1976 views on 12/15)
Interview: Robert Burney: Healing Inner Child Wounding and Co-Dependency
New August 2, 2018 - and Free:
Links to an interview Robert did for an online event called Overcoming Codependency
Subscription areas of site

Joy2MeU Journal
The Joy2MeU Journal is a publication I started in early 1999 while going through some severe financial challenges. I started it as a subscription area of my site both to try to get more income coming in and also to publish several books that I was writing that I didn't have the resources to publish any other way. I thought it was going to be a periodical thing when I started - kind of an online magazine. That isn't the way it worked out. It turned into something quite different - and very intimately personal. Starting in 1999 and continuing through the end of 2004 I shared in this Journal a personal journal where I was processing through my fear of intimacy issues. That very painful process resulted in getting me to a place where I got into a relationship and became primary caregiver to a baby (Darien) so that I didn't have time to write any more.;-)
What this Journal turned into is (as I describe it on my siteindex page): "a body of work in a password protected part of the site where Robert published the story of his Spiritual Path, a ongoing personal recovery journal, and portions of his Adult Fable "The Dance of Wounded Souls Trilogy" and "Attack on America A Spiritual Healing Perspective" online books not available on regular Joy2MeU site."
In September 2005 I created this new section of my site - which I am calling Dancing in Light. It includes 28 pages that were formerly on Joy2MeU.com that are now in this password protected pay to view section of the site. The content that I have chosen to make a part of this Dancing in Light component of the site, is some of the most sophisticated of my writings - dealing with very advanced levels of recovery and some revolutionary and controversial perspectives on metaphysics, spirituality, and enlightenment.
Included is an online book: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life - and the online book: Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective and Call for Higher Consciousness. Additionally the final 4 articles of the series of articles on The True Nature of Love, and one article - My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium - specifically focused upon my mystical, metaphysical perspective of life. Although I haven't done an actual word count, I would conservatively estimate that Dancing in Light consists of about a quarter of a million words of content.
The Wounded Souls Trilogy
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
A Cosmic Perspective on Codependence and the Human Condition
Codependency Recovery:
Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light
Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing
Codependency Recovery:
Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light
Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
The Wounded Soul Trilogy is made up of two books I have already published Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls and Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing. Third book in the Trilogy is a book I wrote and originally published online. It is now only available in a subscription area of my site called Dancing in Light.
This offer is for copies of the first two books and a subscription to Dancing in Light. Here is what I had to say in the Author’s Foreword of the online book about Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life.
"The basic dynamics of codependence - of the disease / the wounding process and the recovery / healing / Spiritual awakening process - are something I have seen clearly for quite awhile. There is nothing in my book (Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls) - though the final draft was written in 1995 - that is not aligned with what I believe and know today. . . . . What is happening though, is that I keep writing - and understanding - on deeper, more sophisticated levels. The layers are more subtle, but each one I peel leads to a clearer, more refined understanding from a higher perspective. . . .
In this online book, I am finding myself exploring new levels and perspectives - both dissecting the dynamics of codependency and recovery on more sophisticated and subtle levels (both psychologically and historically) and discussing different facets of the phenomena in more concrete, practical, and hopefully understandable, terms. . . . I very happy with, and proud of, the chapters that grew out of this initial source. It has since grown into an in depth look at the phenomena of codependency on multiple levels." - Author's Foreword to Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life