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 Latest News & New

4/25/24 - An Update to my ASKing for Help page - including the latest news Miracle!!

4/13/24 - Zoom workshop are scheduled in May

12/21/23 - Zoom workshops are scheduled in January and February

11/26/23 - Zoom workshops are scheduled in December and January

10/24/23 - Zoom workshops are scheduled in November and December

8/24/23 - Zoom workshops are scheduled in September and October - and special ASKing for Help page.

8/2/23 - Zoom workshops are scheduled in August and September.

CodependencyRecoveryExpert Blog

I have a Blog on wordpress - check it out

(I am no longer publishing this blog.  Wordpress changed their platform, and I didn't have time to figure it out.)

 Most Recent Blogs9/19/18The True Nature of Love - part 4, Energetic Clarity
11/23/18 - Intellectual Discernment - "have to" and the Holiday Season
12/2/18 - Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light  Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life  Chapter 3: Emotional honesty
 1/20/19 - Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
Chapter 7: Multiple levels of selfishness
3/17/19 - There are times when life events feel emotionally battering
April 19, 2010Working the Third Set ~ ASKing got Help
9/5/19:  "easier to be a channel for Love to flow through than a receptacle for Love to flow into"
12/7/19: "deep dive into my fear of intimacy issues"
6/3/20 - Chapter 3: Emotional honesty
7/15/20 - My Terror of Intimacy​

5/28/20 - Announcing 3 more Zoom Workshops in June.


4/22/20 - Announcing Workshop in Morro Bay CA April 26th 2020 is canceled and 3 Zoom online Workshops are scheduled in May


3/16/20: Announcing have added new dates for workshop in Morro Bay on April 26th & June 26th


2/2/20: Announcing have added a new date for workshop in Morro Bay on March 15th - and testimonials from January 26th workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page.


1/2/2020: January 3, 2020 marks 36 years clean and sober for me! MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984


12/7/19: Announcing have added a new date for workshop in Morro Bay on Jan. 26th, a new blog: "deep dive into my fear of intimacy issues" - and testimonials from December 1st workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page.


10/5/19: Announcing have added a new date for workshop in Morro Bay on Dec. 1st - and testimonials from september 29th workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page.


6/25/19:  Announcing have added a new date for workshop in Morro Bay on Sept. 29th - and have added special offer to this sale page offering a PDF of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls for $5.


6/3/19:  Happy Codependency Recovery Birthday to me!  Monday marks the 33rd Anniversary of day I made a conscious commitment to codependency recovery June 3rd 1986!


2/20/19:  Announcing  a new date for Intensive Training Workshop in Gilroy on September 2nd 2019.  A Church Group booked the meeting room that I normally use, for the rest of 2019.  Since there was no other space at this motel to do my workshop, I considered just stopping doing the ones in Gilroy.  I didn't really want to do that because there are a lot of alumni in the Bay Area / Silicon Valley - and I didn't want to look for a new place.  So I decided to try offering it on a Holiday Monday, this one is scheduled for Labor Day.  So, we will see how that works. Testimonials from February workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page.


2/14/19:  Announcing a new Update Newsletter for Joy2MeU / Joy2MeU2 /Joy to You & Me. 


"It is very sad.  It is very sad that we have had our hearts broken.  It is very sad that we have let go of getting our needs met.  It is very sad that it is so hard to connect with another being in a healthy, Loving way.  It is very sad that so many of us have had to shut down our hearts and lock the romantic part of us away in a deep dark place within us.


It is very sad - but it is truly tragic that we blame ourselves.  We have been victimized by society's dysfunctional programming and we beat up on the victim of those forces that we were powerless over. . . . 


. . . . . Make this Valentine's Day a True celebration of Love by choosing to Love and have compassion for your wounded self (own the emotional pain) at the same time you are allowing your Spiritual Self to nurture (tell your self Spiritual Truth) and protect you (tell the critical parent voice to shut up.)


Make this Valentine's Day about owning the Unconditional Love of The Universal Force for you.” - Healthy Relationships - Part 7, Valentine's Day 2000


1/30/19:  Special offer for Life Changing Workshop in Gilroy on February 16th - give your self a Valentine's present by learning how to be healthier in your relationship with your self and others.


1/20/19:  Announcing date for an Intensive Training Workshop in Morro Bay CA March 24th


12/15/18:  Additional free videos added to the Audio & Supscription page and an addition to the Special Holiday Sale page - Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior


12/7/18:  Tomorrow - Dec. 8th - at 10 am PST - I will be doing a livestream interview on youtube.


12/5/18:  Additions to the Special Holiday Sale page - MP3 Downloads.


10/29/18 News: Special Holiday 2018 sale page posted.


10/27/18 News: Announcing a new date for Intensive Training Workshop in Gilroy on February 16th 2019.  Testimonials from October workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page


9/19/18 News: Announcing the latest blog The True Nature of Love - part 4, Energetic Clarity.


9/4/18 News: Announcing a new date for Intensive Training Workshop in Gilroy on December 29th 2018.  Testimonials from September workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page.


8/13/18 News: When I describe the formula I teach people in my workshop and telephone / Skype counseling as Life Changing, it is the absolute Truth.  If you want to be empowered to change your life into an easier, more enjoyable experience you would be doing your self a great favor by learning the Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing / Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing that  I discovered in my recovery.  I just posted a page with special offers for the initial hour and a half phone / Skype counseling session or for the initial plus 2 hour long follow ups.   Do you self a favor and check out my phone counseling - or my workshop in Gilroy on October 20th.


8/2/18 News: Links to video & audio versions of interview Robert did for the online event: Overcoming Codependency.


7/30/18 News: Email received on 7/29/18 that I just have to add here - it is so cool. ;-)

"Hello Robert,
I hope this finds you well. You and I had a few phone sessions over a year ago. Since that time, I have stopped drinking, focused on living in abundance and have allowed the universe to guide my life. That being said, my income has doubled and is still climbing, my relationship has improved, abundance has filled my life and I find that I am much happier person. I am more confident than I've ever been and am actually excited about the future. These days, I look forward to each day and all of the possibilities that are available to me.

I was compelled to send you a gift today to express my gratitude for being such a beacon of inspiration. I am grateful for you and the gifts you have enabled me to receive and I send you joy and blessings for being a such a spiritual being.

Joy, wisdom & harmony." - in response to page I posted for my 70th birthday on July 23rd, 2018.


7/9/18 News: Announcing a Special Birthday Sale in honor of Robert's upcoming 70th (Egad!!) Birthday!!!  I never thought I would make 30.


6/17/18 News:   I have just published my first Update Newsletter  in over 6 years on my Joy2MeU2 site.


1/3/18 News: Today is my sobriety anniversary - 34 years clean and sober:  MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984


9/10/17 News: Announcing that I have moved back to Cambria - and it has been magical.  I updated my Darien page to explain what happened and why - and published a new blog (link above) based on some things I had written on that page about the wounding process for codependency.


8/14/17 News: Announcing that I am moving back to Cambria next week.  Here is an Update Newsletter in which I talk about my feelings for Cambria as I was accepting that I might have to leave there in 2005 - and includes the story of the miracles that led me to Cambria in the first place.   This is a story I wrote for Mother's Day in 2002 in which I talk about some of the things I love about Cambria.  I have added the testimonials from the August workshop in Encinitas to the Intensive Testimonials page.  I do not plan on offering any more Workshops in San Diego once I am not living there.  I am not sure if I will decide on another location after I have moved but for right now the only one I have scheduled is November 25th in Gilroy.  (Special offer for that Workshop and my first two books here.)


7/22/17 News: Announcing I have posted a page with a message from the past and one from the present as a way of honoring the 30th Anniversary of my 39th Birthday.



February 4th 2016 - Announcing that I have now published all 6 of my eBooks in the format for Kobo ereaders.

5/2/15 - Announcing the publication of an Audiobook of Robert Burney’s eBook

The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted

A Larger Spiritual Paradigm


In this audiobook about the law of attraction, he shares his opinion that spiritual teachers, new age gurus, and New Thought churches are teaching the law of attraction in ways that do a disservice to - and can actually hurt - the people they are teaching.  

3/15/15 ~ Announcing the publication of an audio book of Robert Burney’s

Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light

Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing

(aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance)

available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.  


A short clip from the recorded version of my Intensive Training Workshop.

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